球场基础 Court Rebuilding |
沥青基础 Test Report QB of Guangzhou |
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一、旧水泥基础球场改造 |
沥青基础的开裂问题 The most common problem with asphalt tennis courts is cracking which is caused, in part, by asphalts natural tendency to shrink as it weathers and ages. In addition, asphalt loses its flexibility and becomes more brittle over time. Since outdoor courts are also exposed to weathering, including expansion and contraction caused by temperature extremes, cracking is inevitable. Asphalt tennis courts crack more quickly than asphalt roads and parking lots because tennis courts do not benefit from the compressive kneading generated by traffic which helps to keep the asphalt pliable and, thereby, delay cracking. Premature or extensive cracking may be caused by poor asphalt mix, poor site conditions, poor design, or by poor construction. Quality design and construction may minimize or delay cracking but cannot completely eliminate it. Once cracks appear it may be impossible to repair their cause, but it is not impossible to repair the crack itself. Including this successful new crack repair system in your estimate makes it slightly more expensive than repairing the cracks in a more conventional and ineffective manner. Most contractors simply install crack filler or put fiberglass fabric over the cracks. Almost without exception, both of these very common repair techniques will fail within one year. Whereas the ARMOR™ Crack Repair System has been working successfully at keeping cracks from reappearing for more than ten years now, even in cold climate regions. |
1 旧水泥基础球场改造一般应先将裂纹伸缩缝处理好 2 修补破损和积水 3 全场采用硅PU系统,该系统可抵抗裂纹和伸缩缝的移动,保持球场面层无缝和美观。 4 采用丙烯酸软垫弹性涂层也是一种选择,成本要低一些。 5 用硬地丙烯酸则裂缝和伸缩缝一般会在涂层面上显现出来。 6 在室内上述材质均可用。但PVC卷材和枫木地板是不错的选择。 |
1、弹性软垫丙烯酸涂层 2、水性聚氨酯涂层上述材料环保无毒无气味,可用于室内外;优良的弹性可以接受伸缩裂缝在春夏秋冬温度变化时的反复伸缩而不至于裂开或留下裂痕。 3、硬地丙烯酸涂层也是可以用,但是原来的伸缩缝会把新涂层拉开,新球场出现纵横交错的裂纹。 4、传统聚氨酯(PU)用在新基础上弄不好往往会起泡脱层。 |
三、球场水泥基础要求 |
1.排水坡度设定,单个球场单面排水,坡度按千分之五设定, |
广州金力美建材实业有限公司 工信部备案/许可证号:粤ICP备17021946号 版权所有,抄录必究2010年 Tel:020-82581086Fax:020-82037502 |